Welcome to WI Nether Edge.
Welcome to WI Nether Edge, a WI located in Sheffield, UK where an eclectic group of passionate women from various backgrounds joined forces in March 2010 to bridge a visible gap in our cherished Nether Edge community. Faced with the absence of a Women’s Institute, we proactively took the lead to establish WI Nether Edge, embarking on a journey that celebrates diversity and inclusivity, thriving and evolving to this day.
The Women’s Institute, more commonly known as the WI, is a national network of local groups representing over 200,000 women throughout Great Britain.
About us.
Our branch is located in the Nether Edge area of Sheffield
About The Women's Institute.
National Federation (NFWI) is the largest voluntary organisation for women in the UK with around 212,000 members in nearly 6,300 WI’s
The WI is all about inspiring women. It’s a rich source of experiences, knowledge and skills passed down through generations and updated every day.
The WI is everything you want it to be- The WI is naturally diverse. It offers all kinds of opportunities to all kinds of women. For some women we offer an opportunity to catch up with friends, for others its a route to learning new skills, and, for some the campaigning aspect of the organisation may be the key motivation.
The WI is what you make it!
The WI comes in all shapes and sizes. We offer women the opportunity to join and be involved in the way that suits them.